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Updated: 3 years 1 month ago

Implantable brain device relieves pain in early study

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
A computerized brain implant effectively relieves short-term and chronic pain in rodents, a new study finds. The experiments, conducted by investigators at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, offer what the researchers call a "blueprint" for the development of brain implants to treat pain syndromes and other brain-based disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.
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Birthdays and COVID-19

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection increased 30% for households with a recent birthday in counties with high rates of COVID-19, but no such jumps seen in areas with low rates of infection. Findings suggest informal social gatherings such as birthday parties played role in infection spread at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Association of changes in seasonal respiratory virus activity, antibiotic prescriptions with COVID-19 pandemic

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
What The Study Did:Â This study demonstrated a decrease in respiratory virus detections and a decline in antibiotic prescribing rates for respiratory tract infections during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Using birthdays to assess association between social gatherings, COVID-19 risk

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
What The Study Did: Using administrative healthcare data on 2.9 million households, this study suggests that events that lead to small and informal social gatherings, such as birthdays, and in particular, children's birthdays, are a potentially important source in SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
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Association between race, COVID-19 outcomes among children in England

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
What The Study Did: Results of this study suggest race-specific disparities in SARS-CoV-2 testing and COVID-19 hospital outcomes seen in adults also exist among children, after accounting for several clinical and sociodemographic factors thought to play a role in the disease.
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Experiences of family members of patients with severe COVID-19 who died in ICUs in France

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
What The Study Did: This qualitative study reports that, in the midst of a major public health crisis, the erosion of family-centered care practices was associated with a dramatic impact on the experiences of family members of patients who died.
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Preventive aspirin use in older US adults with, without diabetes

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
What The Study Did:Â In the context of recently revised guidelines that discourage routine use of aspirin in adults 70 years and older, these findings suggest that older adults may have potential overuse of aspirin therapy if it is not actively discontinued, especially among those with diabetes.
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Virtual reality as pain relief: reducing dressing change pain in pediatric burn patients

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Prior studies have investigated alternative approaches to pain reduction in burn injury patients that focus on distraction, such as music, hypnosis, toys, and virtual reality (VR). In a study published today in JAMA Network Open, Henry Xiang, MD, MPH, PhD, MBA, and his research team reported the use of smartphone-based VR games during dressing changes in pediatric patients with burn injuries.
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Popular sepsis prediction tool less accurate than claimed

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
A study from Michigan Medicine reveals that Epic System's sepsis prediction tool performs much worse than indicated by the model's information sheet, correctly sorting patients on their risk of sepsis just 63 percent of the time.
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Females supercharge sperm evolution in animals

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Sperm size varies dramatically among different animal species. But why is sperm size so variable when they share the same job -- to fertilize eggs? In a new article published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, researchers from Stockholm University show that animal sperm evolution become supercharged only when sperm swim inside females.
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New research finds GCSE results linked to child's enjoyment of school aged six

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
A child's enjoyment of school at six years old is linked to their GCSE results aged 16, according to new research from the University of Bristol, published in the journal Science of Learning.
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Novel associations between genetics and vitamin B12 deficiency with an autoimmune etiology

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at the Estonian Genome Centre at the University of Tartu described novel associations between genetics and autoimmune vitamin B12 deficiency in their recent publication in Nature Communications. Autoimmunity means that an individual's immune system is no longer able to recognize its tissues as 'self' and starts attacking healthy tissues and cells, leading to autoimmune disease.
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New research finds link between walking speed and dual tasking after stroke

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Research has found that training stroke survivors to walk at a faster speed during recovery can help improve the brain function that enables people to walk and perform another task simultaneously, known as dual-task walking.
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Men who perceive their marriage as unsuccessful are at high risk for premature death

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
The researchers found that dissatisfaction with marriage is a predictor of CVAs and premature death as much as physical indexes, including smoking and a sedentary lifestyle.According to the findings, the risk is higher among relatively young men, aged 50 and under.
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Climate change may lead to more landfalling tropical cyclones in China

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
A new study highlights ways to use regional climate models rather than global climate models to better simulate tropical cyclones activity through the rest of the century.
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Surgical treatment of brain tumors should also be considered for the elderly

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
A Finnish study indicates that neurosurgical treatment of benign brain tumors improves the quality of life of elderly people in good health and adds to their lifespan.
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The clean power of starch

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Scientists have used a compound made from a starch derivative and baking soda to help convert mechanical to electrical energy. The approach, developed by scientists at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Technology (DGIST), with colleagues in Korea and India, is cost-effective and biocompatible, and can help charge low-energy electronics like calculators and watches. The details were published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
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A bright future: Using visible light to decompose CO2 with high efficiency

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
To tackle the challenge of global warming, scientists have been looking into green and sustainable methods of breaking down carbon dioxide in emissions and in the atmosphere. Now, a group of researchers from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, have developed a novel, easy to synthesize composite compound that enables the efficient use of solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide, taking us one step closer to achieving a green economy.
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New method using profragrance nanoparticles promises longer-lasting scented products

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Based on novel engineering technology, researchers have fabricated profragrance nanoparticles that precisely control fragrance release, both in aqueous solution and on wallpaper under indoor light. In addition, the method used supports the flash and scale-up preparation of profragrance nanoparticles for industrial applications, with high batch-to-batch reproducibility.
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Ramanome Database can help mining microalgal cell factories for reducing carbon emissions

Jun 21 2021 - 00:06
Researchers from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology have developed a way to rapidly determine exactly which microalgae -- out of the millions of variations -- can most readily convert carbon dioxide into valuable compounds that can be used for fuels, food and drugs.
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