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Updated: 3 years 1 month ago

A novel method for the rapid repair of peripheral nerve injuries

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
One of the main problems preventing optimal regeneration following peripheral nerve injuries is that axons within severed nerves have difficulty regenerating and reaching their target. This may be attributed in part to misguided axons that sprout in multiple directions, decreasing probability to reach their target organs. A new technique, engineered by researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, fills a nerve conduit with gel containing physical and chemical components that promote and align axon regrowth.
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Researchers discover nucleotide sequence responsible for effectively fighting pathologies

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers from HSE University have discovered nucleotide sequences characteristic of microRNA isoforms (microRNAs with errors). The discovery will help predict errors in microRNA behaviour and create drugs that can detect targets (such as viruses) more effectively. The results of the study have been published in the RNA Biology journal.
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Traditional Japanese food may hold building blocks of COVID-19 treatments

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Natto, a fermented soybean dish often served for breakfast in Japan, originated at the turn of the last millennium but may hold an answer to a modern problem: COVID-19, according to a new study based on cell cultures.
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The need for nuance in carbohydrate recommendations

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Without a standard definition for carbohydrate quality, some foods that contain carbohydrates are often stigmatized based on isolated and reductionist assessment methods that fail to consider their contributions to nutrient intakes and balanced, healthy diets. In a new perspective piece, published in Advances in Nutrition, authors call for a more holistic approach to carbohydrate guidance to address the complex needs of both people and the planet.
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Researchers develop tool that may help in understanding inaccuracy in eyewitness testimony

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed an innovative tool to aid in the investigation of how we perceive and remember visual experiences. The new tool, referred to as a "scene wheel," will help researchers study how accurately we construct mental representations of visual experiences for later retrieval -- for example, how well an eyewitness recalls details of a crime or an accident.
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Awareness without a sense of self

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
In the context of meditation practice, meditators can experience a state of "pure awareness" or "pure consciousness", in which they perceive consciousness itself. This state can be experienced in various ways, but evidently incorporates specific sensations as well as non-specific accompanying perceptions, feelings, and thoughts.
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Patients may face barriers due to race, ethnicity and language at hospital discharge

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A survey of 224 recently discharged patients was conducted in five languages just before the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighted challenges, including limited understanding of medications; lack of available professional medical interpreters and translated patient instructions at discharge; and worries about support for at home after hospitalization.
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Glass sponges have properties for the design of ships, planes and skyscrapers

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers created a simulation of a deep-sea sponge and how it responds to and influences the flow of water. The work revealed a profound connection between the sponge's structure and function, shedding light on both the basket sponge's ability to withstand the dynamic forces of the surrounding ocean and its ability to create a vortex within the body cavity "basket." These properties may help for the design of ships, planes and skyscrapers of the future.
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City-funded housing repairs in low-income neighborhoods associated with drop in crime

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
In Philadelphia, when a home received repairs through a city-funded program, total crime dropped by 21.9% on that block, and as the number of repaired houses on a block increased, instances of crime fell even further, according to research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania published today in JAMA Network Open.
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Researchers discover a 'layer hall effect' in a 2D topological Axion antiferromagnet

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers have discovered a "layer" Hall effect in a solid state chip constructed of antiferromagnetic manganese bismuth telluride, a finding that signals a much sought-after topological Axion insulating state, the team reports in the current edition of the journal Nature.
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Preventing approximal caries in primary teeth with topical fluorides

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Alexandria, Va., USA - Parach Sirivichayakul, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, presented the poster "Preventing Approximal Caries in Primary Teeth With Topical Fluorides" at the virtual 99th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), held in conjunction with the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and the 45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR), on July 21-24, 2021.
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Gender-affirming hair removal, mental health outcomes

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: In this analysis of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, gender-affirming hair removal procedures were associated with lower odds of past-month severe psychological distress, past-year smoking and past-year suicidal ideation.
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Association between COVID-19 exposure, self-reported compliance with public health guidelines among essential employees at an institution of higher education

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: This study at an institution of higher education in Colorado evaluated the association between self-reported protective behaviors and how common SARS-CoV-2 infection was among essential in-person employees during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
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Real-time stress detection devices could help fight alcohol relapses

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Wearable devices can detect people's stress, according to new Washington State University research, opening potential new interventions for people with addictions. In a paper in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, a WSU research team found that wearable wristbands measure physiological responses to stress in real-time and real-world situations, providing a potential method to help people avoid slipping back into old behaviors.
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"Magic-angle" trilayer graphene may be a rare, magnet-proof superconductor

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
MIT physicists have observed signs of a rare type of superconductivity in a material called "magic-angle" twisted trilayer graphene. They report that the material exhibits superconductivity at surprisingly high magnetic fields of up to 10 Tesla, which is three times higher than what the material is predicted to endure if it were a conventional superconductor.
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Chromosomes separation under focus

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
During cell division, chromosomes are duplicated and separated so that one copy of each chromosome is inherited by each of the two emerging daughter cells. Correct distribution of chromosomes requires high accuracy and defects in this process can cause aberrant distribution of chromosomes and facilitate cancer development. By analyzing the structure of the protein responsible for chromosome separation, a team led by UNIGE has shed light on the mechanisms controlling this essential player in cell division.
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Genome editing meets marsupials

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers at RIKEN, Japan have succeeded in creating the first genetically engineered marsupial. This study will contribute to deciphering the genetic background of unique characteristics observed only in marsupials.
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The weather forecast for Venus

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Little is known about the weather at night on Venus as the absence of sunlight makes imaging difficult. Now, researchers have devised a way to use infrared sensors on board the Venus orbiter Akatsuki to reveal the first details of the nighttime weather of our nearest neighbor. Their analytical methods could be used to study other planets including Mars and gas giants as well.
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Unexpected proteome plasticity in response to persistent temperature rise

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Common yeast are able to adapt and thrive in response to a long-term rise in temperature by changing the shape, location and function of some of their proteins. The surprising findings demonstrate the unappreciated plasticity in the molecular and conformational level of proteins and bring the power of molecular biology to the organismal response to climate change. Results from the Zhou lab at the Buck Institute are published in Molecular Cell.
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Microbes play role in corn 'hybrid vigor'

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
The tiny organisms living in soil may have a greater effect on the yield and pest and disease resistance of crop plants grown in that soil than previously known.
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