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Updated: 3 years 1 month ago

A history of African dust

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
In a recently published paper, a research team, led by University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Professor Emeritus Joseph M. Prospero, chronicles the history of African dust transport, including three independent "first" discoveries of African dust in the Caribbean Basin in the 1950s and 1960s.
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New framework applies machine learning to atomistic modeling

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
The method from a research team led by Professor Horacio Espinosa could lead to more accurate predictions of how new materials behave at the atomic scale.
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New quantum research gives insights into how quantum light can be mastered

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory propose that modulated quantum metasurfaces can control all properties of photonic qubits, a breakthrough that could impact the fields of quantum information, communications, sensing and imaging, as well as energy and momentum harvesting.
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New simulator helps robots sharpen their cutting skills

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers from the University of Southern California and NVIDIA have unveiled a new simulator for robotic cutting that can accurately reproduce the forces acting on a knife as it slices through common foodstuffs, such as fruit and vegetables. The system could also simulate cutting through human tissue, offering potential applications in surgical robotics. The paper was presented at the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Conference 2021 on July 16.
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How does the structure of cytolysins influence their activity?

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
In a new study, researchers have uncovered how cytolysins from Enterococcus faecalis destroys bacterial and mammalian cells.
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Self-collected saliva and courier service -- A feasible diagnostic strategy for COVID-19

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Alexandria, Va., USA - Walter Siqueira, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, presented the poster "Self-collected Saliva and Courier Service - A Feasible Diagnostic Strategy for COVID-19" at the virtual 99th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), held in conjunction with the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and the 45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR), on July 21-24, 2021.
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Exoskeletons have a problem: They can strain the brain

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Exoskeletons - wearable devices used by workers on assembly lines or in warehouses to alleviate stress on their lower backs - may compete with valuable resources in the brain while people work, canceling out the physical benefits of wearing them, a new study suggests.
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New study confirms relationship between toxic pollution, climate risks to human health

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
In a first-of-its-kind study that combines assessments of the risks of toxic emissions, nontoxic emissions and people's vulnerability to them, University of Notre Dame researchers found a strong and statistically significant relationship between the spatial distribution of global climate risk and toxic pollution.
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Researchers find immune component to rare neurodegenerative disease

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
UT Southwestern researchers have identified an immune protein tied to the rare neurodegenerative condition known as Niemann-Pick disease type C. The finding, made in mouse models and published online in Nature, could offer a powerful new therapeutic target for Niemann-Pick disease type C, a condition that was identified more than a century ago but still lacks effective treatments.
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Origami comes to life with new shape-changing materials

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers have created butterflies that flap their wings, flower petals that wiggle with the touch of a button and self-folding origami drawing on new advances in soft robotics.
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Take two: Integrating neuronal perspectives for richer results

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Carnegie Mellon University researchers have identified a way to bridge two neuronal approaches traditionally used in isolation, resulting in a richer understanding of neuronal activity.
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Study finds lifting advice doesn't stand up for everyone

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Commonly accepted advice to keep a straight back and squat while lifting in order to avoid back pain has been challenged by new Curtin University research.The research examined people who had regularly performed manual lifting through their occupation for more than five years and found those who experienced low back pain as a result were more likely to use the recommended technique of squatting and keeping a straight back, while those without back pain tended not to adhere to the recommended lifting advice.
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New algorithm flies drones faster than human racing pilots

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
For the first time an autonomously flying quadrotor has outperformed two human pilots in a drone race. The success is based on a novel algorithm that was developed by researchers of the University of Zurich. It calculates time-optimal trajectories that fully consider the drones' limitations.
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Powerline failures and wind speeds are strongest drivers of land area burned by Santa Ana wind fires

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Every year, Santa Ana Winds drive some of the largest wildfires in Southern California during autumn and winter, and a new analysis of 71 years of data suggests that the total amount of land burned is determined more by wind speed and power line ignitions than by temperature and precipitation. The findings suggest that maintaining utility lines and carefully planning
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Study finds calcium precisely directs blood flow in the brain

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
University of Maryland School of Medicine and University of Vermont researchers have shown how the brain communicates to blood vessels when in need of energy, and how these blood vessels respond by relaxing or constricting to direct blood flow to specific brain regions.
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New approach eradicates breast cancer in mice

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A new approach to treating breast cancer kills 95-100% of cancer cells in mouse models of human estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancers and their metastases in bone, brain, liver and lungs. The newly developed drug, called ErSO, quickly shrinks even large tumors to undetectable levels.
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Oral and general health associations using machine learning prediction algorithms

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Alexandria, Va., USA - Muthuthanthrige Cooray, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, presented the oral session "Oral and General Health Associations Using Machine Learning Prediction Algorithms" at the virtual 99th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), held in conjunction with the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and the 45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR), on July 21-24, 2021.
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Enamel defects as biomarkers for exposure to environmental stressors

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Alexandria, Va., USA - IADR President Pamela Den Besten presented and chaired the IADR President's Symposium "Enamel Defects as Biomarkers for Exposure to Environmental Stressors" at the virtual 99th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), held in conjunction with the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and the 45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR), on July 21-24, 2021.
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Policy changes to kidney allocation may unintentionally reduce access to transplant for South Carolina

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Changes to the US kidney allocation system could result in reduced access to kidney transplants and longer times spent in line for rural patients according to new research. The OPTN addressed allocation inequalities by ensuring that all patients wait at least the same amount of time for a kidney rather than the previous geography-based model. These policy changes are also predicted to result in a 40% decline in kidney transplant volumes for South Carolina.
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Study links vaccine immune response to age

Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Older people appear to have fewer antibodies against the novel coronavirus, a new laboratory study from Oregon Health & Science University suggests. With vaccine uptake slowing in Oregon and across United States, researchers say their findings underscore the importance of promoting vaccinations in local communities.
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