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Against presbyopia

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), the Universitat de València (UV) and the Aiken Ophthalmic Clinic (through its Research Foundation) have designed and assessed in their laboratories a new groundbreaking implant, the only one in its kind, to correct presbyopia.
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Airports could generate enough solar energy to power a city: Study

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
New research shows placing solar panels on the roofs of Australian airport buildings could be an efficient step towards net zero emissions.
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Netflix commits to local productions to continue leading the streaming platform market

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A study has analysed the various systems and schedules implemented by the American entertainment platform in recent years in relation to its original feature films, which have allowed it to become the leader in the distribution of on-demand audiovisual content.
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Nondestructive characterization technique helps gallium nitride crystal developments

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Osaka University researchers conducted a detailed multiphoton excitation photoluminescence (MPPL) analysis of gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor substrates. The threading dislocations of GaN crystals observed using the nondestructive analysis technique were statistically classified to give the Burgers vectors. It is hoped that their findings will support the identification of fatal defects in GaN crystals to improve quality and yields and accelerate the availability of GaN-based devices.
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Nanobodies inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Australian researchers have identified neutralising nanobodies that block the SARS-CoV-2 virus from entering cells in preclinical models. The discovery paves the way for further investigations into nanobody-based treatments for COVID-19. Published in PNAS, the research is part of a consortium-led effort, bringing together the expertise of Australian academic leaders in infectious diseases and antibody therapeutics at WEHI, the Doherty Institute and the Kirby Institute.
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Ozone pollution in germany falls thanks to lower nitrogen oxide emissions

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Summer is the ozone season: The harmful gas forms at ground level on hot, sunny days. In recent years, however, the rise in ozone levels over the summer months has not been as pronounced in Germany as it was previously. According to a new study, this is primarily due to a reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions. This trend can be observed across Germany's southwestern regions in particular, while Berlin lags behind.
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We've been at it a long time

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Wonderwerk Cave has been identified as potentially the earliest cave occupation in the world and the site of some of the earliest indications of fire use and tool making among prehistoric humans.
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Shopping online or locally - an individual choice

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Boundary conditions of shopping, such as shipping costs or travel time, are of central importance for individual store choices. Assessment of purchasing security, environmental protection aspects, and work conditions also come into play when deciding between online and local. This is found by a microeconometrical, representative study at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) funded by the German Research Foundation. Some of its results are now reported in Papers in Applied Geography and Raumforschung und Raumordnung.
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Cell adaptation in critically ill could be difference between life and death

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The study showed that the cells of people who survived critical illness (ie two or more organs failing) produced energy in a different way to those who did not survive. The behaviour of critically ill cells looks similar to how cells adapt to limited oxygen levels (hypoxia). The work took place before the COVID-19 pandemic, but findings are relevant to patients on ventilators experiencing low oxygen levels or multiple organ failure.
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Study looked at how nurses view touch as a form of care

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Touching patients while providing care is an important and unavoidable aspect of the nursing profession. Nurses can also transform touch into a useful therapeutic tool to improve patients'-- and their own--wellbeing. That is the topic of a study, "'Permission to Touch': Nurses' Perspectives of Interpersonal Contact during Patient Care," published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research. Through focus groups and interviews, participants said they found touch and massage helpful when providing patient care.
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TBI: A new roadmap for advancing personalized treatment solutions

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Brain research and advocacy nonprofit Cohen Veterans Bioscience (CVB) today announced the launch of a National TBI Precision Solutions Research Roadmap, with the advent of the first in a series of publications resulting from its Brain Trauma Blueprint program. The Brain Trauma Blueprint is a framework that enables stakeholder groups across government, academia, foundations, and industry to advance precision diagnostics and treatments for brain trauma through a coordinated effort.
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Pain patients and healthcare providers want CDC opioid guideline revoked

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The opioid prescribing guideline released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2016 has failed to reduce addiction and overdoses, significantly worsened the quality of pain care in the United States and should be revoked, according to a large new survey of patients and healthcare providers.
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Football Fitness gives an important boost to health in women treated for breast cancer

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Rigshospitalet and the University of Copenhagen have come together to study the effects of Football Fitness on various health parameters and self-rated health following treatment for breast cancer.The study concludes, that Football Fitness strengthens bones and muscles as well as improving balance in women treated for breast cancer. This in turn reduces the risk of various established long-term consequences of the medical treatment the women have undergone.
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Genome sequencing delivers hope and warning for the survival of the Sumatran rhinoceros

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A study led by researchers at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm shows that the last remaining populations of the Sumatran rhinoceros display surprisingly low levels of inbreeding. The genomes from 21 modern and historical rhinoceros' specimens were sequenced to investigate the genetic health in rhinos living today and ones that recently became extinct. With less than 100 individuals remaining, the Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the most endangered mammal species in the world.
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Close monitoring for heart risk needed if breast, prostate cancer treatment includes hormones

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Patients with breast and prostate cancers who are treated with hormonal therapies have an increased risk of heart attack and/or stroke as they age.The increased likelihood of a heart attack or stroke is greater in patients who already have two or more cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, smoking or a family history of heart disease or stroke.The longer the duration of hormonal therapy, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Study examines association between lifestyle patterns and BMI in early childhood

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A new Australian study reveals that changes in lifestyle patterns were longitudinally associated with concurrent changes in body mass index (BMI) z scores, and maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal dietary patterns and television viewing time are significant determinants, according to a paper published online in Obesity, The Obesity Society's (TOS) flagship journal. This is the first study that used multi-trajectory modeling to examine the longitudinal relationship between concurrent changes in lifestyle patterns and BMI z scores in early childhood.
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Long-term care infrastructure must be re-imagined in a post-pandemic world

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Protecting long-term care residents from outbreaks requires different infrastructure, proper staffing conditions and a culture of quality assurance, researchers have found.
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Discovery of an elusive cell type in fish sensory organs

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The Piotrowski Lab has reported newly identified invasive ionocytes in the sensory organs of larval and adult zebrafish fish that may provide clues to how sensory organs continue to function in changing environments.
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More than half of generation Z gay, bisexual teenage boys report being out to parents

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A majority of gay and bisexual Generation Z teenage boys report being out to their parents, part of an uptick in coming out among young people that researchers have noted in recent decades, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. However, stigma and religious beliefs still prevent some young people from disclosing their sexual identity.
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Women with gynecologic cancer and low income report increased financial stress and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A recent study provides insights on the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on employment, anxiety, and financial distress among women with gynecologic cancer and low income. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.
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