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New study shows transcendental meditation reduces emotional stress and improves academics

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Students who participated in a meditation-based Quiet Time program utilizing the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique for four months had significant improvements in overall emotional stress symptoms, quality of sleep, and English Language Arts (ELA) academic achievement according to a new randomized controlled trial published last month in Education. This was the first randomized control trial to investigate the effects of TM on standardized academic tests.
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Fully booked at the bottom of the sea: There seems no room for new bacteria on sand grains

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Whether summer or winter, midnight sun or polar night - the sand on the ocean floor is always inhabited by the same bacteria. Although the microbial communities differ between different ocean regions, they do not change between the seasons. Presumably, there is simply no room for change. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany, now describe this phenomenon in a study published in the journal ISME Communications.
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Firms connected to the Mafia have lower profitability and more likely to go bust

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
New research unveils that firms connected to organized crime have lower return on assets, higher debt, lower cash holdings and are more likely to default.
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Oncotarget: Subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors independent of WHO type

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
These Oncotarget results may reflect the unselected patient population enrolled in these studies, including no selection for WHO histologic subtype or molecular aberrations.
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Three in ten Americans increased supplement use since onset of pandemic

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Twenty-nine percent of Americans are taking more supplements today than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing the percentage of supplement-takers to 76%, according to a new Harris Poll survey on behalf of Samueli Foundation. Nearly two-thirds of those who increased supplement use (65%) sought enhanced overall immunity (57%) or COVID-19 protection (36%). Other common reasons were to take their health into their own hands (42%) or to improve sleep (41%) or mental health (34%).
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Cognitive decline may help predict future fracture risk in women

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A 16-year study has revealed a link between cognitive decline, bone loss and fracture risk in women.
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How do wind turbines impact Golden Eagles?

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Results from a study published in Ibis show that how close Golden Eagles will fly to wind turbines depends on habitat suitability inside and outside of a wind farm. Also, the largest impact of wind farms was a loss of Golden Eagle habitat, which could be mitigated by including the study's findings in wind farm planning.
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Innovative program entertains and teaches children about fish migration

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
It's important to communicate about hard-to-see and complex environmental topics and issues with young people. In an article published in People and Nature, an international team reflects on the group's creation of the Shout Trout Workout, a lyric poem, comic, and music video for children aged 8-14 years old designed to entertain, engage, and enrich learning about migratory fishes and aquatic environments.
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Study uncovers factors linked to radical attitudes and intentions

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A systematic review and meta-analysis published in Campbell Systematic Reviews identified and examined more than 100 risk and protective factors for radical attitudes, intentions, and behaviors (including terrorism) in democratic countries.
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How readily does COVID-19 spread on school buses?

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Although in-school transmission of COVID-19 among K-12 students is low when safeguards are in place, the risk of acquiring COVID-19 during school bus transportation is unclear. A study published in the Journal of School Health reports on the bus transport experience of an independent school in Virginia.
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Which students are at most risk of mental health problems during COVID-19 lockdowns?

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
A new study published in JCPP Advances has compared the wellbeing of UK students who remained at home for schooling during the first lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic with those who accessed school in person.
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Most people find allergy information on food labels unclear

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Researchers evaluate consumers' understanding of allergy information on food labels in a study published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy.
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Study links cognitive decline with both bone loss and fracture risk

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
New research published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research has found that cognitive decline is linked with accelerated bone loss and an increased fracture risk in women.
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The frequency of misattributed paternity in Sweden

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
The frequency of misattributed paternity, where the assumed father is not the biological father, is low and decreasing in Sweden, according to an analysis published in the Journal of Internal Medicine of 1.95 million family units with children born mainly between 1950 and 1990.
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How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected our dreams?

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
The COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted our sleep and dream activity. In a recent study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, people had a higher number of awakenings, a harder time falling asleep, higher dream recall, and more lucid dreams during lockdown than after lockdown.
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Scientists identify protein markers related to the most common form of leukemia

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the Western world. New research published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology reveals that certain protein markers may indicate which patients have stable forms of CLL and which have more aggressive types.
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Heart-related test results may indicate risk of death in patients with COVID-19

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
New research published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation identifies cardiovascular test results that might help to identify patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who face an especially high risk of dying.
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Hundreds of chemicals, many in consumer products, could increase breast cancer risk

Eurekalert - Jul 21 2021 - 00:07
a new study shows that several hundred common chemicals, including pesticides, ingredients in consumer products, food additives, and drinking water contaminants, could increase the risk of breast cancer by causing cells in breast tissue to produce more of the hormones estrogen or progesterone.
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Urgent need for anti-smoking campaigns to continue after pregnancy

Eurekalert - Jul 20 2021 - 00:07
Curtin University research has found quit support for smoking mothers should continue even after their first babies are born, given that many of those women will become pregnant again, and that quitting can substantially reduce the risk of future preterm births.
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More exercise and fewer hours watching TV cuts sleep apnoea risk

Eurekalert - Jul 20 2021 - 00:07
Being more physically active and spending fewer hours per day sitting watching TV is linked to a substantially lower risk of developing obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), according to new research published in the European Respiratory Journal. The study of more than 138,000 US men and women is the first to simultaneously evaluate physical activity and sedentary behaviour in relation to OSA risk.
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