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Scientists show the importance of contact with nature in the city during the lockdown

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
The measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic limited the access of citizens to natural objects. It is still unexplored, what consequences this had for the residents and what conclusions should be drawn for more effective urban planning. RUDN University scientists with colleagues from Australia and Germany studied how the restrictions associated with COVID-19 affected the use of blue and green infrastructure by citizens in Moscow (Russia) and Perth (Australia), and what consequences this had for their health.
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A biological fireworks show 300 million years in the making

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Scientists using the Advanced Photon Source have determined that amphibian eggs release showers of zinc upon fertilization, just like mammalian eggs. This research could have implications for human fertility studies.
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More EVs could reduce CO2 emissions in Hawaii by 93% in less than 30 years

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
By 2050, faster adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and faster generation of renewable energy will result in 99% less fossil fuel consumed and 93% less CO2 emissions from passenger and freight vehicles on O?ahu. That's under the most ambitious scenario in an article published in World Electric Vehicle Journal.
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Commensal bacteria 'vaccine' may safely prep immune cells for meningitis-causing cousin

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Researchers have produced vaccine-like immune responses to a dangerous bacterium by colonizing 26 healthy volunteers with a related, but harmless, commensal bacterial species.
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Protein's 'silent code' affects how cells move

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Two forms of the ubiquitous protein actin differ by only four amino acids but are dissimilar in 13% of their nucleotide coding sequences due to silent substitutions. A new study led by the University of Pennsylvania reveals that these supposedly "silent" differences have an impact on how fast actin mRNA gets translated into protein and subsequently on the protein's function in propelling cell movement.
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Faulty memories of our past whereabouts: The fallacy of an airtight alibi

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Where were you this time last week? How about two weeks ago? A month? Recalling where you were at a specific time on a specific date may seem like a simple task, but new research reveals that our recollections of our past whereabouts are often imperfect.
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CAMH releases updated national clinical guidelines for treatment of opioid use disorder

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
As more evidence emerges that opioid overdose deaths have increased dramatically since the onset of COVID-19, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), in collaboration with subject matter experts and medical regulatory authorities across Canada, have now released updated national clinical guidelines for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
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Wastewater did not significantly alter seismic stress direction in southern Kansas

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Although wastewater disposal has been the primary driving force behind increased earthquake activity in southern Kansas since 2013, a new study concludes that the disposal has not significantly changed the orientation of stress in the Earth's crust in the region.
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University of Maryland researchers record brainwaves to measure 'cybersickness'

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
In a first-of-its kind study, researchers at the University of Maryland recorded VR users' brainactivity using electroencephalography (EEG) to better understand and work toward solutions toprevent cybersickness. The research was published in the journal Virtual Reality.
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Study: Hospitals not adequately prepared for next pandemic

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
As the COVID-19 pandemic wanes in the U.S., a new study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) finds that hospitals nationwide may not be adequately prepared for the next pandemic.
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Scientists use artificial intelligence to detect gravitational waves

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Researchers at Argonne have used artificial intelligence to dramatically reduce the time it takes to process data coming from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.
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'Fortunate accident' may yield immunity weapon against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
in a paper published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have announced an accidentally discovered, potentially game-changing treatment -- one that may one day provide an alternative immune-based solution to the danger of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.
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For neuroscientists and researchers in general, a checklist for eliminating gender bias

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
In a new paper in Neuron, 45 neuroscientists review the extensive literature on gender bias in academia -- the forms it takes and suggested remedies -- and compile a comprehensive checklist of interventions that can help eliminate bias. Some are straightforward, but the overall message is that there are many steps individuals, PIs, universities and research institutes, funding agencies and journal editors can take to achieve equity and diversity within neuroscience and the research community in general.
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Human-driven habitat change leads to physical, behavioral change in mosquitofish

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Bahamian mosquitofish in habitats fragmented by human activity are more willing to explore their environment, more stressed by change and have smaller brain regions associated with fear response than mosquitofish from unaffected habitats.
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Why insisting you're not racist may backfire

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
After asking white subject to write statements explaining why they weren't prejudiced against Black people, researchers found that other white people could nevertheless gauge the writers' underlying prejudice from linguistic cues--such as dehumanizing language.
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Machine learning tool sorts the nuances of quantum data

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
An interdisciplinary team of Cornell and Harvard University researchers developed a machine learning tool to parse quantum matter and make crucial distinctions in the data, an approach that will help scientists unravel the most confounding phenomena in the subatomic realm.
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Reducing the melting of the Greenland ice cap using solar geoengineering?

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Injecting sulphur into the stratosphere to reduce solar radiation and stop the Greenland ice cap from melting. An interesting scenario, but not without risks. Climatologists from the University of Liège (Belgium) have looked into the matter and have tested one of the scenarios put forward using the MAR climate model developed at ULiège. The results are mixed and have been published in the journal The Cryosphere.
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When taste and healthfulness compete, taste has a hidden advantage

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
You dash into a convenience store for a quick snack, spot an apple and reach for a candy bar instead. Poor self-control may not be the only factor behind your choice, new research suggests. That's because our brains process taste information first, before factoring in health information, according to new research from Duke University.
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Quantum particles: Pulled and compressed

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Only recently researchers have levitated and cooled nanoparticles into the quantum regime. A research team led by Oriol Romero-Isart now proposes a way to harness the quantum properties of such particles before they lose them due to decoherence. To this end, the wave function of the particle is repeatedly expanded and compressed.
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How plants compensate symbiotic microbes

Eurekalert - Jul 07 2021 - 00:07
Combining economics, psychology and studies of fertilizer application, researchers find that plants nearly follow an "equal pay for equal work" rule when giving resources to partner microbes - except when those microbes underperform.
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