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5-minute workout lowers blood pressure as much as exercise, drugs

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
A new study in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that a breathing exercise known as Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training can reduce blood pressure in weeks, with benefits on par with daily exercise or medication.
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Jackdaws don't console traumatized mates

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Male jackdaws don't stick around to console their mate after a traumatic experience, new research shows.
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COVID-19 review: Analysis of 58 studies finds male sex and obesity are not associated with ICU mortality, but many factors are

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
A new analysis of 58 studies and 44305 patients published in Anaesthesia (a journal of the Association of Anaesthetists) shows that, contrary to some previous research, being male and increasing body mass index (BMI) are not associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 in patients admitted into intensive care (ICU).
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ACTG announces publication of REPRIEVE sub-study in JAMA Network Open, providing insights into cardiovascular disease risk among people living with HIV

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
The AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), the largest global HIV research network, today announced that findings from a sub-study of REPRIEVE (A5332/A5332s, an international clinical trial studying heart disease prevention in people living with HIV) have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open. The study found that approximately half of study participants, who were considered by traditional measures to be at low-to-moderate risk of future heart disease, had atherosclerotic plaque in their coronary arteries.
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A promising new pathway to treating type 2 diabetes

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at the University of Arizona believe the liver may hold the key to new, preventative Type 2 diabetes treatments.
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In with the old, out with the mew

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Keep your checklists handy because the 62nd Supplement to the American Ornithological Society's Check-list of North American Birds, publishing today in Ornithology, includes numerous updates to the classification of the continent's bird species. A few highlights from this year's supplement include species splits for Mew Gull, Barred Owl, and Sedge Wren, among quite a few others; a transfer back to an old genus for Ruby-crowned Kinglet; and a revision of the linear sequence of passerine families.
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Bronze Age: how the market began

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Knowing the weight of a commodity provides a way to value goods in the marketplace. But did a self-regulating market even exist in the Bronze Age? And what can weight systems tell us? Researchers from Göttingen University investigated the dissemination of weight systems throughout Western Eurasia. Their simulation indicates that the interaction of merchants, even without intervention from institutions, is likely to explain the spread of Bronze Age technology to weigh goods.
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Growing 'metallic wood' to new heights

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Penn Engineers' "metallic wood" gets its useful properties and name from a key structural feature of its natural counterpart: porosity. As a lattice of nanoscale nickel struts, metallic wood is full of cell-sized pores that radically decrease its density without sacrificing strength. They have now solved a major problem preventing metallic wood from being manufactured at meaningful sizes: eliminating "inverted cracks," a kind of defect that has plagued similar materials for decades.
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New Geology articles published online ahead of print in June

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Article topics include the Great Unconformity of the Rocky Mountain region; new Ediacara-type fossils; the southern Cascade arc (California, USA); the European Alps and the Late Pleistocene glacial maximum; Permian-Triassic ammonoid mass extinction; permafrost thaw; the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado (USA); "gargle dynamics"; invisible gold; and alluvial fan deposits in Valles Marineris, Mars.
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Gene therapy breakthrough offers hope to children with rare and fatal brain disease

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Scientists and doctors at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (UCL GOS ICH) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) have given hope of a gene therapy cure to children with a rare degenerative brain disorder called Dopamine Transporter Deficiency Syndrome (DTDS). The team have recreated and cured the disease using state-of-the-art laboratory and mouse models of the disease and will soon apply for a clinical trial of the therapy.
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Novel heat-management material keeps computers running cool

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
UCLA engineers have demonstrated successful integration of a novel semiconductor material into high-power computer chips to reduce heat on processors and improve their performance. The advance greatly increases energy efficiency in computers and enables heat removal beyond the best thermal-management devices currently available.
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Dedicated journal edition on largest ever study on First Nations Food Security & Environment

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Newly published results highlight that many First Nations want access to traditional foods and environmental factors impact access to food and clean water. The study also highlights the successful partnership between First Nations peoples across Canada and academia.
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A promising two-punch therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
A novel combination therapy resulted in a significant decrease of disease burden in an animal model of LCH.
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Financial barriers to cervical cancer screening

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Among low-income, uninsured, or publicly insured women ages 25-64 years who were not up to date on cervical cancer screening, 72% perceived financial barriers to screening. The most commonly reported barriers were screening appointment costs (71%) and follow-up/future treatment costs (44%).
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Fungi embrace fundamental economic theory as they engage in trading

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
When you think about trade and market relationships, you might think about brokers yelling at each other on the floor of a stock exchange on Wall Street. But it seems one of the basic functions of a free market is quietly practiced by fungi.
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To understand the future of hurricanes, look to the past

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
New research highlights the importance of understanding sea surface temperatures patterns in predicting future hurricane frequency.
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UTSA study: Use of police force still breaking down across racial, ethnic lines

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
UTSA criminology and criminal justice professors Michael R. Smith and Rob Tillyer working in collaboration with University of Cincinnati Professor Robin Engel examined racial and ethnic disparities in the use of force by the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD). One of the nation's largest county police departments, the FCPD serves Fairfax County, Va., a major metropolitan county near Washington, D.C.
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Longer-lived lithium-metal battery marks step forward for electric vehicles

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Researchers have increased the lifetime of a promising electric vehicle battery to a record level.
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A 50% rise in the level of CO2 could reduce rainfall in the Amazon more than deforestation

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
Simulations run by Brazilian scientists on a supercomputer at the National Space Research Institute (INPE) show that the direct impact of rising levels of carbon dioxide over the Amazon rainforest would be a reduction in rainfall equivalent to or even greater than the impact of complete substitution of the forest by pasture. The result calls attention to the need for regional and global action to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
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Vaping increases susceptibility to coronavirus in mice

Eurekalert - Jun 29 2021 - 00:06
A new study finds that exposure to e-cigarette vapor leads to higher levels of the coronavirus receptor ACE-2 in lungs of mice, with nicotine enhancing that increase in male mice.
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