
Antiviral T cells safe and effective for treating debilitating complication common after stem cell transplants

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
A Phase II trial at MD Anderson tound that BK virus (BKV)-specific T cells from healthy donors were safe and effective as an off-the-shelf therapy for BKV-associated hemorrhagic cystitis (BKV-HC), a painful complication common after allogeneic stem cell transplants for patients with leukemia or lymphoma.
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UVA engineering computer scientists discover new vulnerability affecting computers globally

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
A team of University of Virginia School of Engineering computer science researchers has uncovered a line of attack that breaks all Spectre defenses, meaning that billions of computers and other devices across the globe are just as vulnerable today as they were when Spectre was first announced.
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Neural nets used to rethink material design

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
Rice University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory engineers are using neural networks to accelerate predictions of how the microstructures of materials evolve. The machine-learning technique should speed the development of novel materials.
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Large collaboration creates cell atlas of COVID-19 pathology

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
Scientists from several hospitals and research centers have shown what happens in the tissues of patients who died of COVID-19. In a study published in Nature, the researchers describe how infected cells from multiple organs exhibited a range of molecular and genomic changes. They also saw signs of multiple, unsuccessful attempts by the lungs to repair themselves in response to respiratory failure -- the leading cause of death in COVID-19 patients.
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Tool to predict recidivism in federal inmates could make more prisoners eligible for early release

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
A new study assessed how the tool was developed and is used, finding that a greater proportion of inmates could reduce their risk and become eligible for early release over time if they participated in a re-entry program and did not incur infractions. This finding has implications for efforts to reduce prison populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Illnesses of controversial celebrities can negatively affect public health

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
In a study of people's reactions to radio host Rush Limbaugh's announcement of a lung cancer diagnosis and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's announcement of a diagnosis of COVID-19, researchers at Penn State found that those who took pleasure in their misfortune were themselves less likely to take steps to prevent lung cancer or COVID-19.
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Piecing together the LanCL puzzle

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
Researchers from the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology in collaboration with scientists at Oxford University have published a paper in Cell reporting the function of LanCL proteins.
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Newly discovered miocene biome sheds light on rainforest evolution

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
The newly discovered miocene biome in southeast China reveals that extraordinary species diversity existed within a 14.7 million-year-old tropical rainforest and sheds light on the evolution of the rainforest, according to researchers from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS).
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Antarctic ice-sheet melting to lift sea level higher than thought, Harvard study says

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
The new predictions show that in the case of a total collapse of the ice sheet, global sea level rise estimates would be amplified by an additional meter within 1,000 years.
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Panel finds 30-day course of VTE prophylaxis post-discharge improves outcomes

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
A new set of guidelines, developed by AATS and ESTS (European Society for Thoracic Surgery) presented today at the AATS 101st Annual Meeting, recommends a 30-day course of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis post-discharge for patients undergoing surgical resection for lung or esophagus cancer. The AATS and ESTS formed a multidisciplinary guideline panel that included broad membership to minimize potential bias when formulating recommendations.
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Modifications to ERATS protocol significantly reduces post-operative opioid usage

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
A new study, presented today at the AATS 101st Annual Meeting, shows significant reduction in post-operative use of Schedule II opioids for pain management following robotic surgery. To address the on-going issues of opioid overuse and abuse, the study aimed to examine the use of painkillers in Enhanced Recovery After Thoracic Surgery (ERATS) protocols and determine the impact of alternative pain management approaches on clinical outcomes.
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How much does it itch?

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
Itch can be as debilitating as chronic pain. But it's a hard symptom to measure -- particularly for the 10 million U.S. children with atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. But now there is a soft, wearable sensor that quantifies itch by measuring scratching when placed on the hand. It allows parents and doctors to track how well itch is being controlled in patients, monitor treatment response and early signs of worsening disease.
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Technology provides non-invasive treatment for congenital heart disease patients

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
New study results, presented at SCAI 2021, validate the effectiveness of the Medtronic Harmony™ transcatheter pulmonary valve (TPV) system for patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and severe pulmonary regurgitation (PR). The Harmony TPV is designed to be a less invasive treatment option for patients with irregularity in their right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) needing pulmonary valve placement to restore valve function.
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Technology provides procedure efficiencies for congenital heart disease patients

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
An analysis of a new international registry reveals benefits of using a longer covered stent for interventional procedures in congenital heart disease patients with Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defect (SVASD). The study was presented today as late-breaking clinical research at the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) 2021 Scientific Sessions.
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eNeuro publishes commentaries on upcoming documentary "In Silico"

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
eNeuro is publishing a special collection of commentaries on April 30, 2021 on the neuroscience documentary In Silico. The collection, titled "Epistemological Lessons from the Blue and Human Brain Projects," features reactions to the documentary from leading neuroscientists as well as a discussion on brain modelling and massive research collaborations in general.
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Wildfire smoke trends worsening for Western US

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
New research from the University of Utah ties the worsening trend of extreme poor air quality events in Western regions to wildfire activity, with growing trends of smoke impacting air quality clear into September.
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Not just for finding planets: Exoplanet-hunter TESS telescope spots bright gamma-ray burst

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
NASA has a long tradition of unexpected discoveries, and the space program's TESS mission is no different. SMU astrophysicist and her team have discovered a particularly bright gamma-ray burst using a NASA telescope designed to find exoplanets - those occurring outside our solar system - particularly those that might be able to support life. It's the first time a gamma-ray burst has been found this way.
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Articles for Geosphere posted online in April

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
GSA's dynamic online journal, Geosphere, posts articles online regularly. Locations and topics studied this month include the Central Anatolian Plateau; the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field; petrogenesis in the Grand Canyon; and the evolution of the Portland and Tualatin forearc basins, Oregon.
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Engineering T cells to attack cancer broadly

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
This study builds on decades of work showing that the protein IL-24 attacks cancer broadly, and is the first to deliver the protein using T cells. This approach is in contrast to CAR-T cells, which are built to recognize proteins on the surface of cancer cells and haven't been successful against solid tumors. Mice with prostate cancer experienced shrinkage of the original tumor as well as distant metastases following treatment with IL-24 T cells.
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How to invest in a fairer and low carbon energy system

Eurekalert - Apr 30 2021 - 00:04
Governments throughout the world have accelerated their ambitions towards effective climate change mitigation. What is clear, in this challenge of how to tackle the complex and global issue of climate change, is that there is no one technology or stakeholder that will drive the full and timely decarbonisation that the world and its citizens require.
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