
'Significant reduction' in GP trainee burnout following mindfulness programme

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Medics training to become general practitioners reported a significant positive improvement in their mental wellbeing after participating in a specially-designed mindfulness programme, a study from University of Warwick researchers shows.
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'Camouflage breakers' can find a target in less than a second

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
After looking for just one-twentieth of a second, experts in camouflage breaking can accurately detect not only that something is hidden in a scene, but precisely identify the camouflaged target, a skill set that can mean the difference between life and death in warfare and the wild, investigators report.
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Science and performing arts against stereotypes

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Stereotypes are knowledge structures integrated in our world representation which are hard to change. A team from the University of Barcelona and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, in collaboration with the Èpica Foundation - La Fura dels Baus analysed how a performing experience could have a positive impact in reducing the population's bias against physical illnesses. This performing experience is a pioneer one for it combines scientific training and theatre performance.
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Food systems offer huge opportunities to cut emissions, study finds

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
A new global analysis says that greenhouse-gas emissions from food systems have long been systematically underestimated--and points to major opportunities to cut them. The authors estimate that activities connected to food production and consumption produced the equivalent of 16 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2018--one third of the human-produced total, and an 8 percent increase since 1990.
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Online 'library of properties' helps to create safer nanomaterials

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Researchers have developed a 'library of properties' to help identify the environmental impact of nanomaterials faster and more cost effectively.
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Organic molecules reveal clues about dying stars and outskirts of Milky Way

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Researchers from the University of Arizona have detected organic molecules in planetary nebulae, the aftermaths of dying stars, and in the far reaches of the Milky Way, which have been deemed too cold and too removed from the galactic center to support such chemistries. They present their findings at the 238th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, or AAS, held virtually from June 7-9.
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An unprecedented survey of the 'nurseries' where stars are born

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Astronomers have taken a big step forward in understanding the dark and violent places where stars are born.Over the past five years, an international team of researchers has conducted the first systematic survey of 'stellar nurseries' across our part of the universe, charting the more than 100,000 of these nurseries across more than 90 nearby galaxies and providing new insights into the origins of stars.
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Cosmic cartographers map nearby Universe revealing the diversity of star-forming galaxies

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
A team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has completed the first census of molecular clouds in the nearby Universe. The study produced the first images of nearby galaxies with the same sharpness and quality as optical imaging and revealed that stellar nurseries do not all look and act the same. In fact, they're as diverse as the people, homes, neighborhoods, and regions that make up our own world.
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Femtosecond spectroscopy and first-principles calculations shed light on compositional dependence of

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Researchers from Skoltech and Ludwig Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Germany have studied the fundamental properties of halide perovskite nanocrystals, a promising class of optoelectronic materials. Using a combination of theory and experiment, they were able to show and explain an intricate connection between composition, light-induced lattice dynamics, and the stability of the materials.
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Tracking RNA through space and time

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
A research team at the MDC has succeeded in tracking genes through space and time within a one-cell zebrafish embryo - even before cell division occurs. They have now described a method in the journal "Nature Communications" that may one day allow scientists to measure cell response to drugs, for example, in organoids.
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UNF archaeology uncovering lost Indigenous NE Florida settlement of Sarabay

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
The University of North Florida archaeology team is now fairly confident they have located the lost Indigenous northeast Florida community of Sarabay, a settlement mentioned in both French and Spanish documents dating to the 1560s but had not been discovered until now.
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Feeling hot and bothered? It's complicated

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Trends in heat discomfort are more subtle than expected across Saudi Arabia and beyond.
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Variabilities in children's speech perhaps not so concerning

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Variations in children's speech has traditionally been attributed to developmental delays. Recent work suggests the reasons for variability are not so clear, and an immediate call for treatment may need to be reconsidered. During the 180th ASA Meeting, Margaret Cychosz from the University of Maryland will discuss the need to better understand these variations. Her presentation, 'Reconsidering variability in child speech production,' will take place Tuesday, June 8.
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Study reveals changes in cigarette smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
During the COVID-19 pandemic, some smokers have increased their use of cigarettes while others have quit. Those who believed that smoking increases the risk of getting COVID-19 or having a more severe case were more likely to quit, while those who perceived more stress tended to increase their smoking.
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Researchers used smart watches to monitor changes in quality of life during lockdowns

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers used smart watches and a dedicated app to monitor 169 subjects before and during Israel's second COVID-19 lockdown (October 2020).
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Saving the climate with solar fuel

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Produced in a sustainable way, synthetic fuels contribute to switching mobility to renewable energy and to achieving the climate goals in road traffic. In Empa's mobility demonstrator, move, researchers are investigating the production of synthetic methane from an energy, technical and economic perspective - a project with global potential.
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Non-optimal codons enable coronaviruses' promiscuity

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Israeli researchers have found that "promiscuous", or multiple-host, viruses utilize significantly non-optimal codons (the DNA sequences which encode amino acids of the protein) compared to single-host viruses. All of the coronaviruses adopt non-optimal codons to infect multiple hosts. However, instead of being weakly expressed, coronaviruses proteins have been observed to be highly expressed. This effect is provided by a special "trick" of coronaviruses which mitigate degradation which dramatically increase their viral mRNA load during infections.
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Report calls for 'comprehensive action' to tackle poverty in UK city

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Rising unemployment, inadequate benefits and low paid work are the main causes of poverty and destitution in Stoke-on-Trent according to the findings of a new study.
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New study: Developers' skills and top management commitment lead to Agile project success

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
Which are the most compelling success factors of a large-scale Agile software transformation? And how do these factors relate? A new long-term study from Aalborg University highlights the stakeholders' roles in such transformations. The main result is a valuable model for software managers to set up and effectively manage the transformation of organisations.
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Exercise likely to be best treatment for depression in coronary heart disease

Eurekalert - Jun 08 2021 - 00:06
A study by RCSI indicates that exercise is probably the most effective short-term treatment for depression in people with coronary heart disease, when compared to antidepressants and psychotherapy or more complex care.
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