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Equipping crop plants for climate change

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Biologists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU in Munich) have significantly enhanced the tolerance of blue-green algae to high light levels -- with the aid of artificial evolution in the laboratory.
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Flatfish got weird fast due to evolutionary cascade

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Flatfishes rapidly evolved into the most asymmetric vertebrates by changing multiple traits at once, according to a new Rice University study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Stress and mental health problems during first COVID-19-lockdown

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
One-third of children and adolescents experienced mental health problems during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Switzerland. Parents and young adults also perceived considerable stress, yet the perceived stresses differed from those of children and adolescents, the first Switzerland-wide representative study by the University of Zurich and La Source School of Nursing Lausanne has shown.
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COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs increased among users of conservative and social media

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Belief in conspiracies about the COVID-19 pandemic increased through the early months of the U.S. outbreak among people who reported being heavy users of conservative and social media, according to research from the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
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New research shows long-term recovery possible for areas impacted by seagrass die-off

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
New study led by the University of South Florida finds nearly 10,000 acres of lush seagrass vanished from Florida Bay over 20 years, leading to massive ecological changes in the region near the Florida Keys.
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Mini 3D brain models could speed up search for MS treatments

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Tiny 3-D models that mimic vital aspects of the human nervous system have been developed in a step that could accelerate drug research for neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS).
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Scientists find small molecule cocktail to improve stem cell use in research, medicine

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
The potential uses of human pluripotent stem cells in medicine are hampered by the stress of growing in a cell culture dish, which can damage their DNA and lead to cell death. NCATS researchers have devised a small-molecule cocktail that can protect stem cells from stress. They suggest that the cocktail could enhance the potential uses of stem cells, ranging from treating diseases and conditions like Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injury to genome editing.
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CityU scientists invent cryomicroneedles for intradermal therapeutic cell delivery

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
A research team led by CityU scientists recently developed a new generation of microneedles technology which allows the intradermal delivery of living cells in a minimally invasive manner. Their experiment showed that vaccination using therapeutic cells through this ground-breaking technology elicited robust immune responses against tumours in mice, paving the way for developing an easy-to-use cell therapy and other therapeutics against cancers and other diseases.
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Researchers wirelessly record human brain activity during normal life activities

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Researchers are now able to wirelessly record the directly measured brain activity of patients living with Parkinson's disease and to then use that information to adjust the stimulation delivered by an implanted device. Direct recording of deep and surface brain activity offers a unique look into the underlying causes of many brain disorders; however, technological challenges up to this point have limited direct human brain recordings to relatively short periods of time in controlled clinical settings.
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GM grass cleanses soil of toxic pollutants left by military explosives, new study shows

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
A grass commonly used to fight soil erosion has been genetically modified to successfully remove toxic chemicals left in the ground from munitions that are dangerous to human health, new research shows.
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Earthquake, tsunami hazards from subduction zones might be higher than current estimates

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Two of the most destructive forces of nature - earthquakes and tsunamis - might actually be more of a threat than current estimates according to new research conducted by scientists at The University of New Mexico and the Nanyang Technological University published today in Nature Geoscience.
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Human organ chips enable COVID-19 drug repurposing

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
A Wyss Institute-led collaboration spanning four research institutions has used the Institute's Organ Chip technology to identify the antimalarial drug amodiaquine as a potent inhibitor of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This research contributed to the inclusion of amodiaquine in ongoing COVID-19 human clinical trials in Africa, where the drug is widely available, and can be used to address future pandemics.
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Mating with relatives? Not a big deal in nature

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
The idea that animals should avoid mating with relatives has been the starting point for hundreds of scientific studies performed among many species. But new research performed at Stockholm University, published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, shows that there is little support for this assumption. The study provides a synthesis of 139 experimental studies in 88 species and 40 years of research, settling the debate about if and when animals should avoid inbreeding.
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Childbearing delay among physicians, nonphysicians

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
What The Study Did: Researchers compared the likelihood of delayed childbearing among physicians and nonphysicians.
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Substance use, physical activity by adolescent before, during COVID-19 pandemic

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
What The Study Did: Changes in adolescents' use of e-cigarettes, cannabis and alcohol and in physical activity behaviors following the COVID-19 stay-at-home order in California are examined in this study.
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Assessing child abuse hotline inquiries in wake of COVID-19

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
What The Study Did: Inquiries to a child abuse hotline during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with inquiries during the same period the previous year are assessed in this study.
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Clinical characteristics, transmission of COVID-19 in children, young people during outbreaks in Hong Kong

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Households and not schools were the major route of transmission among children and youths with COVID-19 in Hong Kong, these study results suggest.
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Factors associated with access, timing of coronavirus testing among US adults after onset of fever

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
Study results suggest underuse of coronavirus testing in patients with fever may contribute to community transmission.
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Patient characteristics, COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in us during COVID-19

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
What The Study Did: This study of registry patients evaluates whether any changes in the in-hospital COVID-19 mortality rates during the first nine months of the pandemic were associated with individual characteristics of patients with COVID-19.
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Association between income inequality, county-level COVID-19 cases, deaths in US

Eurekalert - May 03 2021 - 00:05
What The Study Did: The findings of this study suggest an association between county-level income inequality and COVID-19 cases and deaths.
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